Utah Slot Canyon Narrows

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Hiker dwarfed by the walls of Orderville Canyon Narrows, Utah

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One of the wider sections of Buckskin Gulch, Utah

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The eerie narrows of Buckskin Gulch are the most beautiful at midday.

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Buckskin Gulch

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The muddy pools of Buckskin Gulch give beautiful reflections of the sky hundreds of feet above

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A pair of hikers wades through the Zion Narrows, Zion National Park, Utah

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Buckskin Gulch narrows in places to three feet in width; meanwhile it plunges approx. 400 feet in depth

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Much of the 20 km hike through the Buckskin Gulch Narrows requires wading through muddy, waist- to chest-deep water

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This is me in the Buckskin Gulch, standing below a log wedged into place by a flash flood, just north of the confluence of the Buckskin and the Paria Canyons

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